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why I personally prefer herbalife

Hey guys!!!!!!!

I wanted to tell you all a little about why I prefer the herbalife products over other in retail sold brands. Let me go to the very beginning, day 1 of my journey after the baby.

I`ve noticed one of my friends on facebook posting these crazy before/after pictures of people he met and he knows. My first thought was `must be the same `weight loss crap` as we always see on TV being advertised. I never really believed in any of those commercials telling me `lose your first 5 lbs in your first week! Blah blah blaaah blahh`. Ughhh.. all nonesense! So I continued with my Insanity DVDs for another 4 months, while I was still watching my friend posting more and more peoples results. I got to a point where I was so extremely frustrated that I wasn`t getting closer to my goal that I finally found the guts to message him. Considering that I was still very skeptical about products like that, I overcame my pride and stubbornness and just said to myself `Ahh what the heck? It`s at least worth a question`. So I asked him what exactly that herbalife stuff is. He responded with a small description, I said thank you and I will have to wait till we get payed. As we aaaaaall know I didn`t get back at him, still being very skeptical and also thinking to myself `If that stuff is so great, it must cost a fortune!` So I continued watching others getting in shape, while I was still fighting with my Insanity workouts.

Next time I went to a Mall, I saw this specific `Nutrition/Health Food Store` (don`t want to mention the name, but I`m sure you guys can figure) and this HUUGE advertisement of their Lean Shake AAAND it was buy one get one 50% off. OOOOHH YESSSS!!! I thought, as long as I can`t afford the herbalife stuff, I`m going to go with these (one can was only $40 I thought). It was sooo exciting at that time. Unfortunatly those shakes weren`t to yummy, but thats ok, I can do this! Well, I was using the shakes as described on the label, for about three months and I lost 6 lbs. Hmm... not exactly what I expected. I started doubting all of it. 6 lbs in three months wasn`t really the big change that I invisioned.

Four months after my first contact with my friend about herbalife, I felt so unhappy and just didn`t know how to get to this goal. I was talking to my husband and asked him what he tought about this herbalife thing and if I should ask my friend about the price (since during the first contact I was to afraid to ask). He told me to just do it. So I did and I have to say I was very surprised once my friend told me the price. I really thought it`s going to be like $400, but he asked me for my goal and he put products together that would get me there the fastest way possible. Once he gave me the price, I thought I misunderstood. He put five different products together for me and those FIVE products came up to a total of $155. THATS IT?? FOR FIVE DIFFERENT PRODUCTS? WORTH A MONTH SUPPLY?? I understand some of you may thing `What does she mean `that`s it...`? But since I had no experience what so ever with nutrition, I really did expet it to be so much more expensive. I ordered my first nutrition plan, not knowing I got a free health coach with it. OMG at that time I wasn`t sure what a health coach really is. LOL.

Once my package arrived, my friend explained every single product to me and how it works on my body, how they function together and how to use them properly. He also helped me with my eating habits, from what I thought was healthy, to the REAL HEALTHY EATING. I have to say I had no clue what I was doing before. All of a sudden everything made so much sense to me, when it comes to my struggles before. If I didn`t have his guidence, I would have never made it to my goal. EVERR! I`ve been doing herbalife for about 8 months now and I`m still thanking him every once in a while for his encouragement and his motivation. Those are all the things I didn`t get from that retailer. All the products in the store, it`s just so overwhelming if you never dealt with that stuff and the clerk really doesn`t have much of a clue either.

Why I love herbalife and their products so much? It`s a much more people oriented company. They actually care! They are always improving on their products, they have, as the only nutrition company a nobel price winning doctor in the development team. I don`t know how much you guys care for that, but to me, this says A LOT! A nobel price winner, did something good for the people. He would not want his name to be brought in connection with anything bad. On top of all of that, the products are 100% natural, no forbidden ingredients and it`s allowed in every professional sport (all athletes have to stay healthy). Herbalife sponsors hundrets and hundrets of athletes, teams (LA Galaxy for example) and so many more.

All I can say is, it changed my life completely! I was able to get to my goal, I didn`t starve, I cut back my workouts, I had amazing guidence by a free coach and I`m a way more positive person now.

I have lost amazing 39 lbs, went from 36% body fat to 22%, was able to cut back my workouts to only 20-25 minutes a day and I went from a size L/XL to a size S/XS.

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