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water, water and more water

I want to talk a bit about the importance of water in our daily lives. Ever since I started my journey after having my son, I never knew how much not drinking enough water affected my well being and my happiness. Sometimes I do have days where I just simply forget (as so many others) to drink my full gallon. I start feeling tired through out the day, moody, sluggish and the dark circles under my eyes appear. Who would have thought your body is giving you those signals to let you know it needs more water? The human body is just so amazing, right??? We just have to recognize those hints and pay more attention.

Recently I read an article about `what happens if I don`t drink enough water?` and I have to admit I was shocked!! But it also makes a whole lot of sense. This is what it said : Not drinking enough water is crucial to our health. Water helps us breath, because it moistens the lungs. It can cause problems breathing properly by not allowing us to inhale enough oxygen. It also prevents us from digesting the food right, which leads to excess body fat gain. (WHAT?! - oh yes you guys...) Without water our muscles (just like all our other organs) can`t function right, which means low metabolism, bad digestion, trouble to build muscle, bad skin, as in more wrinkles, AND THE WORST OF THE WORST for us women also `MORE CELLULITE`! ughhh...

Now I`ve been asked this question so much `is there any substitute for water, cause it just doesn`t taste good?` and yes there are some, but you shouldn`t always rely on those (I will soon blog about it). Just start switching one glass of soda or whatever it is that you are drinking, for one glass of water a day. And every 3/4 days switch out the next glass. Nobody expects you to make a huge change in one day. Take it step by step and soon you`ll learn to love drinking regular water.

Now if you are a water drinker and your only problem is that you can`t find the desire and time to drink the necessary amount, start doing this: whenever you are at home or at your job, make sure your glass is always full and in sight. So pretty much, once you drink up a glass, fill it right back up and place it somewhere you can see it at all times. This little trick will help you increase your water intake. TOO EASY! :-D

Just try it out you guys and I promise, you will immediately feel the difference.

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