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Starving is not the answer to your weight loss

Hey you guys!!! I`m backkk!! lol

Had my best friends visiting me all the way from germany, so ya`ll can imagine I was one happy girl. Couldn`t work on my blog for a while, almost made me go insane haha. Anyway...

I wanted to clear up a few misconceptions about the `eating less = losing a few lbs`

Lately I`ve been reading so many people saying that they lost weight by just eating less and after 6pm they wouldn`t eat anything and just drink water. Ahhhh I just want to poke that person, who ever came up with that. So many of my friends who come for advice are asking me this same question: `Is it true that I can`t eat after 6pm?` - NO! It`s not good for you nor your body. Eating less will not help you get to your goal. The YOYO-effect is calling your name.

You need to think of your body like this: Your body thinks for itself and its reaction to food is just like it was in the stone age. May sound weird lol, but that`s how your body works. When you skip meals, you are sending your body signals that you are going through a rough time and that there is no food for you available (which we all know, is not the case.. but your body doesn`t). So what happens next when you start eating again? Your body starts converting everything you eat into fat. In case you`ll be going through a rough time again, your body is trying to make sure that you will survive the next period without food (fat is your energy source). It is so important to know that YOU CAN`T SKIP MEALS if you want to get rid of those unwanted pounds. I hear so many people telling me `I never eat breakfast` or `I don`t have time for lunch` and on the inside I`m screaming `nooooooooooooo` lol.

You guys, try to have a better understanding of the way your body works and you will have more success with your goals. Eating on a regular basis, same time, ever single day is the best and healthiest method to get started. I always recommend eating five small meals in a day. This will kick your metabolism up a notch and your body will be burning that food you eat in a way you can`t even imagine!

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